Opening abstract submission:
October 17, 2024
Extended closing abstract submission:
November 28, 2024
23:59 CET
Submitters of abstracts have to select their favorite type of presentation if ther abstract is accepted:
- scientific oral presentation
- scientific poster
- educational poster
This year, abstracts can be submitted for the SGR-SSR, the SGNM-SSMN or for the SVMTR-ASTRM, as well as for the Joint scientific session SSRMP/SGR-SSR.
Therefore, submitters must indicate whether their abstracts are most suited for
- the scientific sessions / poster exhibition of the Swiss Society of Radiology,
- the scientific sessions / poster exhibition of the Swiss Society of Nuclear Medicine,
- the scientific sessions / poster exhibition of the Swiss Association of Radiographers,
- or for the joint scientific session of the Swiss Society of Radiobiology and Medical Physics & of the Swiss Society of Radiology.
The Scientific Programme Committee reserves the right to change the presentation type in selected cases.
All abstracts will be reviewed by a board of experts. The review process meets highest scientific standards as it is based on a blinded peer review process. Based on several criteria, an overall quality score is assigned to each abstract, which provides the basis for acceptance or rejection of an individual abstract. Please note that the number of oral presentations and posters is limited due to time restraints during the scientific session and exhibition space at the congress center. Thus, abstracts with the lowest quality scores will be rejected.
Notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent out by email in February 2025. If you wish to withdraw your paper after notification of acceptance or if you will not be able to attend the meeting, please inform the Congress Services as early as possible.
Only presentations and posters of presenters who have paid the appropriate registration fee will be accepted for the congress. If the presenting author is not registered before the communicated deadline his/her abstract will not be published in the Online Abstract Book and he will not be allowed to hold the presentation or hang his poster.
Oral Presentations
Abstract Submission for oral presentation closed on November 28th, 2024. We thank you for your submissions for the SCR’25!
Notifications of acceptance will be sent out in February 2025.

Poster Presentations
Abstract Submission for poster presentation closed on November 28th, 2024. We thank you for your submissions for the SCR’25!
Notifications of acceptance will be sent out in February 2025.