Decades of high quality education has made the Swiss Congress of Radiology into the most important and prestigeous medical imaging conference in Switzerland. It now boasts an average attendance of 1,200 participants.
The congress caters to the full scope of medical imaging professionals: diagnostic and interventional radiologists, radiographers, nuclear medicine physicians as well as medical physicists count to the regular attendants of the SCR.
For this edition, the SCR offers a large variety of options to increase your company’s visibility, engage with attendees and to better showcase your products and services onsite and online.

Industry options
The Swiss Congress of Radiology offers various ways to advertise your company, such as:
Branded eMailings, News slot on our website, Official partner status, Social media announcements, Banners onsite, Logo placement on the app… and much more!
All of them can be found in our Company Information Kit!
The congress services team is happy to send you the Company Information Kit and help you find the best options!

The Swiss Congress of Radiology has been assessed every year as compliant with the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice and the Mecomed Code of Business Practice by the independently managed system Conference Vetting System (CVS).