Registration is open!
February 15, 2021

SCR'25 - Thank you for your abstracts!
February 15, 2021

SCR'25 - Company Information Kit is here!
February 15, 2021
Swiss Congress of Radiology 2024
Abstracts submitted
m² of exhibition
Decades of high quality education and research, has made the Swiss Congress of Radiology into the most important and prestigious medical imaging conference in Switzerland.
The congress caters to the full scope of medical imaging professionals: Diagnostic and interventional radiologists, radiographers, nuclear medicine physicians and medical physicists contribute to the programme of the SCR.

Moreover, in a variety of workshops and courses, attendees can learn new skills and gain hands-on knowledge that is ready to be applied in clinical routine.
During the congress there is plenty of space and time to socialise and network with colleagues from all parts of the country. Additionally, the large industry exhibition offers the possibility to get to know the latest technological advances.